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Pull up oil-wax cattlehide leather is used for handmaking our customised whisky boxes. It is coated by the characteristic oils and waxes, and then the finished leathers are effected by the external forces such as pulling forces, stretches, bendings, foldings and so on. As a desired result, the colors of the leathers are different in depth, due to the various absorption and reflection of the leather surface to the sunlight. The grain color often recovers to the original one if the outside forces disappear. That is the pullup effect.
Good-quality leather boxes can keep their shape for years if you care for them properly. Proper care prevents the leather from drying out and cracking, and it protects it from excessive moisture that can cause the skin to swell or mildew. How often you should be conditioning your leather depends a lot on how you use it, and the environmental conditions around it. There are no hard or fast rules here, and every customer will vary.
The key to cleaning leather is to get the stain out without drying out the leather too much. Firstly, dust down leather with a soft cloth or a feather duster. It can also be wiped with a slightly damp cloth. Don't get the cloth too wet or rub too hard, all the while ensuring you don't stain the surface or remove any colour. Allow the leather to dry completely. Apply some leather oil to a dry cloth and work into the leather with circular motions. Then let it sit for 15 minutes while it is absorbed into the fibers. If your leather is particularly dry, or this is your first time doing it, it can take more than one coat. So you might want to repeat one more time if you feel that the leather is still overly dry. Using a clean, dry cloth, wipe away any excess and gently burnish the leather to restore its luster and shine with light circular motions.
Our high-quality full grain leather is treated with an extremely refined layer of beeswax which soaks deep into the leather fibers and provides a powerful physical barrier to water. Over time and with normal use, this barrier can be rubbed away, leaving the leather exposed to water damage.To waterproof your leather again, apply a thin layer of balm to the leather with a dry cloth and work it in with small circular motions to help work the wax into the fibers. Less is more here, and you can always apply more balm later. You don't want to use too much at once because it can leave behind a sticky film on the leather which will attract dirt and grime.
Slight traces of tear and wear can be polished with a soft, dry cloth. The fat or oil on the surface moves and the scratches can barely be seen. In case of more and stronger traces of wear, the cloth may slightly be moistened with water. Heavier traces can be polished by using leather cream with a soft cloth. Always test the procedure first for safety in a hidden area.
After all, real leather scratches. That's just a fact of life. These scratches accumulate over time, soften with use, and develop into a rich patina that tells your box's life story.
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